LA police investigate song mocking dead black teen at ex-cop's party


By Michael Fleeman
14 hours ago

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A song poking fun at the killing of black teenager Michael Brown by a white policeman, performed at a retired officer's party, has prompted the Los Angeles Police Department to launch an internal investigation, its chief said on Tuesday.

"Michael Brown learned a lesson about a messin' with a badass policeman," goes the song, captured on video and posted on entertainment news website TMZ. It continues: "Michael looked like some old Swiss cheese" ... his brain "splattered on the floor."

The video is likely to fuel public anger over police killings of black men. About 200 people marched in New York on Tuesday, defying Mayor Bill de Blasio's call for protests to be suspended after two police officers were killed in their patrol car on Saturday in an apparent revenge attack.

Late on Tuesday an 18-year-old black man was shot and killed by police in a St. Louis suburb near where unarmed Brown was killed by in August. Police said the man had pointed a handgun at the officer who shot him.

Commenting on the song, Chief Charlie Beck said on Twitter: "Like many of you, I find it offensive & absurd. It does not reflect the values of the #LAPD."

"I have directed our Professional Standards Bureau to look into this & determine if any active department employees were involved."

An LAPD spokesman declined further comment.

The song, which changed the lyrics to "Bad, Bad Leroy Brown", a 1973 hit by American folk rock singer Jim Croce, was performed at a party organized by a retired LAPD officer at an Elks Lodge in the Los Angeles suburb Glendale on Dec. 15, local media reported.

A trustee for the lodge, in a statement to LA Weekly, apologized for the song, which he called inappropriate and said does not reflect the group's values.

A lawyer for the singer, identified as Gary Fishell, a former private investigator, is quoted by TMZ as saying: "He's a goofball who writes funny songs," adding that he had now realized the song was "off color and in poor taste."

(Editing by Eric M. Johnson and Robin Pomeroy)
Really?????? Was the party on the police department dime???
Was acting in very poooooooooor taste(IMHO), BUT a crime to be investigated??? I DON'T THINK SO--FFKK THEM ..

Folks, this is exactly what bamscum and Holder hoped to instill in us. A fear and a punishment philosophy that deprives us of our own freedoms and rights.

This is all designed to give the blacks very, very special rights!!! And comes from the hypocrites that scream about equality every chance they get..
The same asshats that set it up to let the muslims just waltz right on thru at airports while we get searched , probed , groped and violated!!!!
If a true reckoning ever comes and real justice is served I know of millions that are going to be in for a damn very rude awakening since they are stupid, clueless and totally devoid of any common sense or integrity at all.

Did these clueless shat heads ever hear of free speech and the right to be rude , crude or in poor taste????
Suddenly the new extra protected classes of gays, muslims , illegals and blacks are being unified against we that oppose such true injustice and socialism.

All the while the traitorous maggot is in Hawaii partying on our damn dime!!!
Letting his henchmen carry on his agenda. --Tyr