Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post

Even after disobeying the officers demands, trespassing, public intoxication, burning couches and trash cans in the open, blocking traffic with the fires, disturbing the peace, destroying/attempting to destroy public and private property, and more,
only a handful of arrests were made.

Why are the police going so easy, some should be SHOT.

Obama's fault obviously for not speaking against it Especially since this has happened before in 2002

I guess we shouldn't expect much better, of course they are going to act that way, these thugs are ruining America.
My question is when will white leaders come out and denounce this violence?

It seems to be a pattern
OK first off the bold happens in most inner cities every weekend. Understand Rev I see you trying to protect your people and say hey man what about them , I also will admit I didn't watch your video but I didn't hear about the explosives thrown at the cops nor anyone burning the Bitch down, let alone have it grow from city to city just because these folks wanted to start trouble. And guess what Rev I bet there where blacks involved here as well as whites, doesn't make it right but it most certainly isn't anything like what is going on in this country with the Blacks and the way they feel things should be, and if you look back most of my post also included the brain dead WHITE libs . This is the worst kind of fail rev,sorry bud I like ya but this is no better than the 3 year old in the back seat screaming his sibling wont stop looking at him just because he had gotten in trouble and wants his sibling in trouble as well. Fail !!!!