I'm using new litter, forget the name, but it's basically shredded pine with filler. I cleaned the box well this morning and vacuumed around it. I drink a coffee and then go downstairs for a refill and it looks like it was never cleaned! The pine is all over the place as the little bastard thinks it's cool to play with litter and kick it like a bull and get it all over the floor.

Also, what do you other cat owners use? I grew tired of the clay based products, like "Fresh Scent" and other cheap ones, as when I filled the box a cloud built up and I couldn't breath anywhere in the vicinity, and the vet told me that this cloud was not good to breathe in. I also tried some 'walnut' based crap, like Naturally Fresh or something like that? Then it was onto "The world's best cat litter". I just can't seem to find a great one, that covers the smell good, and is good for sifting, no clouding or clay... anyone?