I made this up yesterday; and I liked it.

After making chicken soup two days ago, I had 2 wings and 2 leg pieces left over (wouldn't fit in my stock pot).


Iron Skillet.
Corn Oil
Yellow Curry
Instant-read thermometer
cooling rack
Pepper (no, not the hip-hop group; although I'd love for them to stop by.)

As the chicken soup was cooking I floured-up my chicken - dumped flour atop the pieces and rolled and patted them. When well-covered I left them in the top shelf of the fridge overnight.

Anywho - before heating my oil I pulled the chicken and re-coated with flour until the peices were REALLY covered. I let everything sit there on the counter about 45 minutes. In the mean-time I poured my large iron skillet about 2/3rds to the top with oil and heated until my heat-gun-thing showed about 320 degrees. A candy thermometer would work much better - as would a deep-fryer.

As the oil got to temp I dropped in two pieces of chicken - I left them for about 4 -5 minutes until I could see them getting done on the bottom - the cooked-looking-part would sorta 'creep' up the sides. I flipeed them once and cooked until I saw internal temps (shoving the thermometer into the thickest parts, close to the bone. When I saw about 150 degrees I pulled them, placing them on a rack. Carry-over brought them to about 160. **DO NOT CONSUME UNDER COOKED CHICKEN** Becuase the government can't control the conditions of chicken producers; AND they allow all sorts of nasty things into our food - because the Govt has conditioned us to rely upon OTHERS (them) for our substinance.

Repeated with the last two pieces.

Here's the thing - I'd forgotten to spice the flour, so, while the oil was still fresh atop the pieces I dusted each with yellow curry powder.

My son attested - the chicken came out GREAT!
