Quote Originally Posted by fj1200 View Post
Yes, you failing to prove your lies is usually where you give up. This is where you are currently failing.
... Like, your lie about how the British economy was heading in the same general direction as Greece's .. ?

Rise to the challenge or admit your wrong.
Labour is strongly against our Conservatives' austerity measures. Do you now claim NOT to be ?

Conservatives understand economics, you don't
Correct. Our Conservatives DO. They've been proving it through their methodology since 2010.

And you've been defying their expertise.

What works? See Reagan in '81. See '94 Republican Congress. They didn't succumb to ridiculous "black hole"/must be afforded BS, they knew that to stimulate the economy tax cuts were the way to go.
The US economy can withstand blows to it which smaller economies cannot. But you, as the 'conservative' that you are NOT, totally fail to grasp that.

Tax cuts may very well achieve the long term benefits you have in mind. I'm not trying to deny it. BUT, what happens in the interim, while the 'black hole' persists ?

The US economy can shrug off such worries. Smaller economies cannot. THAT is the big and crucial difference.

But, you couldn't care less about any of that. Attacking our Conservatives is all you've cared to do, at the expense of wider realities.