Liars are now the norm, yes it's not just the politicians that are liars anymore nor is it anyone side, this country if dieing and it is due to lies and greed. I know this is not something most don't already know but I read this article and thought others may enjoy it, see it isn't just Obama and his band of thieves, nor the crazy lady that thinks she will be the next president, our schools, judicial system heck even our churches are filled with liars, one thing I can't stand is a liar, a liar or a thief I could do away with in a minutes notice.

As I read the article it went on to say how the writer even hates when he spells a word wrong ( it's mis leading ) and God knows I have my fair share of mistakes ( truth be told I have enough for the entire board ) but you know what, it is always the truly dishonest that call me on it, yes the folks that post things and can't back up there argument, well that is exactly what is going on in the world now, we have smart folks running things ( that truth be told aren't very smart they just think they are ) but they are so busy trying to be sneaky and shady and put others down as they help destroy this once great country. It's time to get some honesty, some morals back in this country, yes folks have said when they took God out of this that or the other it failed and in a way that is very true, because when we lost morals we lost everything.

Our government is full of liars. How can you possibly believe anything they tell you?
I’m not just talking about the Obama White House, I’m talking about government in general. What a bunch of freakin’ liars.
How can people act the way that they do? Don’t they have a functioning conscience? Isn’t there anything in them that makes them feel queasy when someone catches them “misspeaking” or “mis-remembering?” (Yeah, that one takes the cake for made up words.) The co-conspiring, lying media permits, and often abets, them in getting away with their deceit.
I feel bad when I lie. I feel bad when I misspell a word in one of these writings. I feel bad when I repeat something that I believed to be true, but later turns out to be false. I feel bad if I cheat in golf. I feel bad when I’m late to a meeting. I feel bad whenever I say something that someone took the wrong way. I feel bad when my wife is taken advantage of.
But we are governed by people who no longer appear to have a functioning conscience. (I wrote a piece on this a couple of years ago titled “Governed by Sociopaths”).