As for the actual survey....

Alien - The first one was outstanding, great special effects, even by today's standards. That movie is a shining example of why practical special effects will always be better than CGI, something like the facehugger hatching scene works so well because of the immediacy of it, you feel like you're actually watching this happen. Aliens was really good, if not completely different from the first one. It's more or less a gory action movie, but a very good one. Alien 3 had potential, and the director's cut is infinitely better than the theatrical cut, but, I dunno. It felt like mostly a retread. I wouldn't really count Alien: Resurrection as part of the series, though I'm not sure why. It just feels very tacked-on. It's got some good ideas, though, like the room full of messed-up Ripley clones. That moment was legitimately creepy. And, let's just pretend Alien vs. Predator never even happened, okay?

Pirates - Haven't seen the third one, but the first two are really good. Amazing special effects (I know, I know, it's CGI, but it's one of the only movies that I thought did CGI well), but I don't think it holds up against the other series too well. For one thing, I didn't care about any of the characters other than Jack Sparrow and Davey Jones, but then, in the second one, when they focused on Sparrow more, I thought it took away from the film. Weird, I know. Again, I haven't seen the third one, but as far as the first two, the plot didn't matter at all. It was just all action, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, especially considering it's a movie based on a ride.

Star Trek- I really hate Star Trek. I've never watched more than 10 minutes of any of the movies, so I can't really comment on it.

Indiana Jones- This might be my favorite out of this list. I haven't seen them since I was probably 10 years old (which may account for why I still love them so), but they're really well-done, and they have that Spielberg sense of "fun", which I think he's lost in his newer movies.

Godfather - See above.

Star Wars - Well, contrary to what everyone's saying, I sort of feel like one has to consider the prequels along with the original trilogy. The original is great, no question, though again, I haven't watched them in years. No, wait, I take that back, I watched the first 10 minutes of Jedi a few weeks ago and all the terrible CGI in Jabba's lair just infuriated me so much, I had to turn it off. So, y'know what, due in part to Lucas willfully ruining the originals as well as adding crappy extra chapters to an already-perfect story, I can't give this series any more than two stars at the most.

Harry Potter- I only saw one of these, which was, I believe, the fourth one. Had no clue what was going on, but I wasn't really interested in any of it. Seemed very kid-oriented.