Quote Originally Posted by Drummond View Post
... all of which is fine !

But, do you realise what all of this adds up to ? A form of 'personal policing' of your own actions.

What you're saying is that there have to be workable and definable personal parameters to your behaviour in order to have it all work out.

Libertarianism rejects outside influence, since it only recognises 'self sovereignty'. That's all well and good for those sufficiently responsible to make it work with an ultimately benign effect. But this is by no means true of everyone, and it never will be.

This makes Libertarianism unworkable as any kind of 'universal' creed or yardstick. And argues for the need for Government having a means to exert influence.

I simply see no way of equating law and order-friendly Conservatism with any level of unrestrained Libertarianism. Indeed, Libertarianism is just too dangerous to be applied in any unrestrained manner.

That does make sense. BUT, it also means that what you're ALSO saying is that laws don't have to apply to everyone.

But of course, they do. Nobody should be above the law.

I've never been an advocate of NEEDLESS Government interference. And it should always be the tool of the people. That said ... Libertarianism perverts things to a point where balance is lost. It is unworkable on a wide scale. This I know to be true.

Which is why truly Conservative Government cannot afford to give it freedoms which many would abuse.

So you really are for all intrusive government, one that agrees with you.