Why couldn’t $130 million transform one of Baltimore’s poorest places?

Along the street where Freddie Gray was arrested, abandoned houses are gashed with gaping holes. The roof on an old red-brick building is collapsed. A storm drain is clogged with concrete.

Sandtown-Winchester is crumbling, and there is little to suggest that two decades ago visionary developer James Rouse and city officials injected more than $130 million into the community in a failed effort to transform it. Instead there are block after block of boarded-up houses and too many people with little hope.

“It’s frustrating,” said Stefanie DeLuca, a Johns Hopkins University sociologist who has studied the neighborhood. “How much money would it take? It certainly seems on an instinctual level that $100 million should have made some difference.”

And the explanation for such a huge failure:

Liberalism in a nutshell: naive and good intentions, that fails to solve the issue. And continues to fail in the Black community. Why is it that Portland, with a population of 609K, which continues to grow, has half the number of police officers as Baltimore and its population of 622k, which is going down? Baltimore needs 53.4 law enforcement employees (includes civilian employees) per 10K residents. Portland has 20 per 10k. Seattle has 28.7. San Francisco is at 16.8.

Portland is 76% white, 6.3% Black. Seattle is 69.5% White, just 7.9% Black. San Fran, 54.3% White, just 6% Black (34.4% Asian). Baltimore is 31.6% White, 63.3% Black. The first three, featuring mostly White liberals, are doing well. The latter is mostly Black and liberal, and failing. Why, exactly, do Blacks keep voting for a Party and doctrine that fails them as a group? Why is it that the liberal White cities need so many fewer law enforcement employees? Why is it that Portland can piss away taxpayer money on “climate change” initiatives, as well as have money to spend on parks and greenspaces, whiles Baltimore has to spend a huge percentage of its budget on law enforcement and the criminal justice system?

Liberalism apparently works for White People, and fails Blacks. Strange, eh? It’s almost like it’s set up that way.