Quote Originally Posted by Drummond View Post
Why would a true Conservative NOT do conservative things ? Do Conservatives sometimes switch sides, then ???

You are the one saying that not everything Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher did was Conservative. That, FJ, is you just finding one more way to attack Conservatives ... and one of them being the person you claim to be the 'ultimate' follower of !!

Perhaps your problem is that you are so far removed from Conservative thinking yourself, that you don't grasp the full spectrum of their capabilities.

But your main problem is that it is YOU who's backed into a corner. You're a fraud.

This is actually more of the same. Trade Unionists think as Libertarians (they claim to have motivations identifiable as Libertarian). Therefore, they are identifiable FOR THAT REASON AS LIBERTARIAN.

But, never mind. In FjWorld, black can be white, allowing anything and everything to be claimed as true, according to preference. And behind it all .. 'coincidentally' ... are excuses to attack Conservatives. Your latest targets have been Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher.

Who's next, FJ ? And will you pledge 'ultimate' loyalty to the person you then attack ?

Sir Drummond. Haven't we heard all of this same crap from fj many times before?

This problem fj has with you could be solved instantly if fj just fessed-up, and just told us how much he hated Ron, and Maggie. Rather than clinging to dumb excuses, and hate-filled BS.?