Took a real quick trip to Jersey and spent night and came back. Since I'm such an awesome photographer, I took some pictures! Look at just how awesome these are...

This is me, Steve, my sister hidden in the back, and then my neanderthal brother in law. The sun was as bright as 2 suns and I couldn't see my screen to take selfie. If I knew just how ugly I was I may not have hit the button!

Here's Steve with my sister, don't she look great in this one? Then the neanderthal, and then my cute little nephew, Trevor.

Here's Steve, another great shot of my sister, and again the neanderthal.

Steve, Janeen and idiot.

This one should win awards. This is my nephew, Trevor, and my niece, Jaelynn.

My niece Jaelynn, who looks just like the kitty 'Bella', with the fat kitty brother...

And here's my buddy again