Obama can't ignore Congress or the states:


Obama suffers another defeat on immigration in federal court

A federal appeals court dealt President Obama a defeat on Tuesday as it declined to lift a judge’s order blocking his sweeping executive action on immigration.

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals sided with a Texas judge who issued an injunction preventing the programs from going into effect. The appeals judges ruled 2-1 that the order must stay in place.

“Because the government is unlikely to succeed on the merits of its appeal of the injunction, we deny the motion for stay and the request to narrow the scope of the injunction,” the judges wrote.

The court’s order makes it tougher for Obama to implement what the White House had seen as one of the signature programs of his second term, with just 20 months left in his administration.

The Department of Justice is weighing its next move, according to an administration official. That could include an appeal to the full 5th Circuit or to the Supreme Court.

After Congress declined to pass an immigration overhaul last year, Obama ordered the creation of a new program that allows parents of U.S. citizens or legal resident children to apply for temporary deportation relief and work permits.

He also expanded a similar program, known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, that applies to immigrants who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children.