Within The Mind, A Storm Blasts Out Flashes

Inside the head, the brain, the human mind
are passageways filtered in dark stains,
Thoughts deep, dark and so ravenously unkind
sit like waste stuck in kitchen drains.

Within the soul, longings await a new life
with love that is so rightly sealed,
Dreams of sweetest pleasure with no strife
and old wounds that have been healed.

Inside the heart, mists of soft dreaming love
yielding to the lusts of flesh so weak,
Stares out upon the sky filled with stars above
daring only to imagine but never speak.

Within the mind, a storm blasts out flashes
brilliance wrapped in hardened shells,
Fueled by great pain and bad emotional crashes
fear sounds out like loud warning bells.

Behind the eyes, sits a screen showing all
movies and plays of dreams not born,
Danger creeping down a darkened castle hall
bringing death some future winter morn.

Robert J. Lindley
Nov. 18th, 1986

Note: From my private journal, an old poem written during a very bad time in my life.