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Thread: McKinney Texas

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeff View Post
    Rev you are flat out lying, I posted a video last week of how this all went down, that little HO didn't sit down until she was thrown down by the cop, up till that point she kept running her mouth and the cop kept telling her to shut up and leave, at no point was she sitting down as the cops told her to, until the cops knee was in her back that is.

    The truth will always come out and it just has.
    I'm lying?
    I may not be right from time to time but i swear i don't like being called a lier.
    so this is going to be long.

    Um Jeff, Jim Are we talking about the same pool party?

    below I've posted 7 continuous minutes.
    WHAT I SEE is:
    About the 1st 15 seconds:
    Starsky and Hutch run after some horrible UNSEEN perp in the distant asking people who are milling around quietly to "MOVE! MOVE!"

    The camera then shows a few girls running (what Jeff calls "HOs" if they are Black which is in no way a racist of course)
    amid a larger group of teens of various races who are NOT running.

    30-45 sec marks:
    Then at about the we see a REASONABLE police officers calmly TALKING to a group of 5 black teens at once. He must be a CRAZY! To Just TALK? to those..ann... . WHAT KIND of POLICE WORK IS THAT?!!?!? JIM and Jeff THAT is GOOD police work for that situation. He seems to be seriously ASKING what's going on and WHO REALLY was causing problems and calmly giving advice about how to act when police arrive. "don't run." (Jeff seems you told us that you ran from police a time or too as a teen. But it's different now? All thugs and hos should know better than you did right?)

    APX 45- 55 sec marks:
    Then while a reasonable cop is DOING A GOOD JOB the FACIST (possibly racist) Idiot cop grabs one of the 5 teens talking to the other cop by the wrist and neck (the big scary one i guess) and tells him to "GIT on the GROUND!" Then waves his baton in the faces of the other 4 who were calmly talking and the 2 that just arrived and the white girl that was standing there. then he yells "I TOLD YOU TO STAY! GIT your ASSES DOWN ON THE GROUND!!" at everyone quietly milling about in his field of vision.

    Jim at this point of the scence I see NO "tossing bottles and other debris" "even at police" "fence climbing", "no shouting of racial slurs", "terrorizing PRIVATE PROPERTY", "assaulting people" "various assaults", "fucking up the neighborhood", "illegal actions" or riots in baltimore or fergeson and not even any "facebook post".

    Maybe you can point out to me what exactly illegal they are doing at this point. Maybe you know from another video what THOSE specific teens did BEFORE this that justified that. Was it the fact of that so many black people were milling around quietly so things were OF OUT CONTROL? And just TO DANGEROUS for the few police on the scene to handle?
    in THIS video i don't see the real issues. So please point them out to me if you can.

    But then he RUNS after those kids he just told to "GIT DOWN!" who are likely wondering what the H his problem is. He harangues them He saying sit or git down. they sit in the street right away. But he doesn't like that either. "git the F up " "over here .. in the grass!" they quietly OBEY. without words. please note they are SEATED DOWN ON THE GROUND. except for one kid who lays on his stomach.

    APX 1:00 - 1:30 marks:
    He then turns his attention to a group of 6 teen girls standing.... talking. He didn't like what one said i guess. I can't hear it on the vid maybe you know what it was that was completely unacceptable to say to the officer that completely justifies what comes soon.
    But he tells them to leave. The exact words are "GIT your ASSES OUTTA HERE!" While waving a baton in their direction.
    he walks away an begins to cuff one SEATED kid. offense unknown. 2 of the kids say "SIR we just came to birthday party please!" his reply seems to be "We'll figure that out in a MINUTE" so Either he DOESN"T know if they did anything wrong, so he's just holding them because... because? because? he's a nice guy? the "crimes" of fence climbing tossing trash and yelling at people have not been solved?! too many teens milling about in general? WHAT?
    the other cops was already talking to them what's his problem Jim, Jeff?

    APX 1:30 - 2:20 marks:
    So he walks into street and looks around. seems to call for back-up.

    APX 2:20 on:
    the girls had being peeling off in various directions AS ORDERED. but maybe 1 or 2 are back with it looks like 4 different girls.
    This pisses him off. He waves his baton around at these dangerous girls and yells at them to leave and doesn't like their (unheard) comments.
    they ALL begin to move off away from the spot AS ODERED.
    so the crime here so far is what? I don't see one. As he Shoos away one set to the left he then turn back to the set LEAVING to the right.
    then Something Sets him OFF and he Rushes after the Black teen girl in the bikini.
    she did not PHYSICAL attack or EVEN approach him. She had moved away as told stop for a moment and said something i guess. some criminal words maybe. He then garb her by the arm and begins to SUBDUE her for her crime.
    ONLY at this point does the crowd become agitated Seeing a girl tossed around and in the sidewalk for no apparent reason. She's on the ground in seconds and SEATED as he now decides it time to take his gun out because people are NOW upset around him.
    after handling that LIFE OR DEATH situation he returns to the DANGEROUS half naked teen crying for her momma whose SEATED.
    Just as all the other Perps STILL are. on the ground. on her BUTT. on the GROUND!
    SO as she cries "call my momma" He pulls her up by one arm and swings her to the ground saying "ON YOUR FACE" then proceeds to press her head into the ground in various ways twist her arms and SIT on and knee her in the back her.

    so Jeff was I "LYING"?

    Did she attack him in anyway? could he cuff her (if he had any to reason to ) the same as he cuffed the other teen that was seated. ALL the other teens were seated. she was too. Why'd she have have her face driven into the ground. what danger was he in, what danger was she to ANYONE?

    this is the pool party I'm talking about fellas.
    please post the ones YOU saw in Texas.

    Because that officer is a FASCIT (possibly racist) IDIOT.

    Last edited by revelarts; 06-11-2015 at 10:57 AM.
    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
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    1 Peter 2:16

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