Quote Originally Posted by LongTermGuy View Post
*Yes sir! remember that....Great interesting series.....started in 67? seen all the reruns...been awhile...
It certainly has.

Yep, started in '67. The last few episodes got a bit weird .. not least because those writing the series found that they couldn't contrive a plotline which saw the Prisoner succeed in escaping by his own efforts. So they came up with two final episodes, where Leo McKern tries a last-ditch attempt to break No 6. Failing, The Village concedes to him. There's some final weirdness in which the Prisoner 'unmasks' Number One, only to discover a crazed version of himself ... maybe to symbolise that we're all our own worst enemies ??

Anyway, some great episodes in between. Another favourite was 'The General', where 'Speedlearn' was a way of imprinting on the human mind anything Society chooses, subliminally (via The Village's TV station ... an American compere introduces the experimental broadcasts). Revealed as a form of mind-slavery ... No 6 defeats 'The General', actually the computer device that does the imprinting ...