While at work my 16y/o daughter called in hysterics. While she was mowing our yard she hit a nest of baby bunnies hidden in the tall grass. One died instantly one was scalped but alive. As I work an hour away from home, over the phone I talked her through putting-down the survivor with a whack of the shovel. That was one of the most-difficult things I've ever had to do; I can't imagine how difficult that must have been for her. What's more awful/traumatic - watching a bunny slowly die in the driveway, or doing something drastic to end the suffering? We live in the country; My kids shoot, fish, and that sorta thing. But it's awful. She just texted me: "I dont wanna talk about it. It happened, it sucks. Really really sucks but I cant change it and now they're gone to bunny heaven and I burried them"