U.S. demand Ukraine to destroy the old system
American management insists that Kiev has fulfilled both conditions of the Minsk agreements, also undertook a radical reform of the public administration.

In that case, if the Ukrainian government will be scrapped the old system, it could count on the support of Washington, said the assistant United States Secretary of state Victoria Nuland.

Many experts involved in the analysis of the Ukrainian-American cooperation, noted that Washington was somewhat disappointed with the pace at which Kiev implements the required reforms. With all this, the way to resolve the Ukrainian crisis can be found long before in the U.S. will be replaced by the President, believe in diplomacy.

"If you declare the government of Ukraine, what we were particularly solid with his office is in support of radical political and financial reforms, which should include decentralization and freedom from the oligarchic style of government. The Ukrainian authorities must go to these measures to break down the old system in which a small handful of people on the planet did, in fact, the entire economic and political life in the country", - was stated by the assistant United States Secretary of state Victoria Nuland, in his interview "п?п°пЇп?я?п?.Ru".

"We support the Ukrainian authorities in their quest to become a real government for the people and for the people, as, for example, here in the US. Without these reforms Ukraine will not be able to evolve to meet the expectations of the people, to become more democratic and more European country," she added.

With all this, the American party demands that in the process of combat actions, flashing in the Donbas has complied with all international agreements. "We specifically made it clear in each explanation: the international rules of warfare and civil rights must be respected by all parties to the incident," said Nuland.

With all of this, Barack Obama has not yet decided whether to Ukraine supplied to American lethal weapons. "The President has not yet made a decision whether to be transferred to the Ukrainian armed forces with lethal weapons. The question is discussed. The decision will be based on that, what is the situation in the area of the incident. But the priority for us is the observance of the Minsk agreements", - said the assistant Secretary of state.

Victoria Nuland argues that all of the impact of the us authorities focused on fastest solution to the Ukrainian crisis. "Currently, our efforts are focused on bringing back peace and stability to Ukraine during the reign of this administration. And the Minsk agreements call for the restoration of the sovereignty and integrity of Ukraine and political reforms before the end of 2015. We do not wish to situation destabilization in Ukraine faced and subsequent President of the United States", she concluded.