Some want it removed from the Capitol by tomorrow, but legally it appears it will be removed sometimes this summer. I've read various stories. Haley gave the announcement this afternoon.


South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley called for the removal of the Confederate flag from the grounds of the state Capitol Monday.

"Today we are here in a moment of unity to say it's time to move the flag from the capitol grounds," Haley said during a news conference attended by Republican senators Lindsey Graham and Tim Scott, as well as other state leaders.

Meanwhile, political and religious leaders in the state urged lawmakers to vote to remove the flag as early as Tuesday in tribute to the nine people gunned down at a historic black church in Charleston last week. Authorities have said the shooting was a hate crime, and a white supremacist website that may be linked to shooter Dylann Roof shows images that apparently show him holding the flag.

"This act will do something very personal," Charleston Mayor Joe Riley said on Monday.

"Take away Mr. Roof's symbol of misguided idea of racial superiority and bigotry. Take it away from him and all like him and give the front of our state Capitol equally and fairly to every citizen of South Carolina," he said.