I submit that you must have been educated in the post-80's. The US Civil war was fought for power, money and control of Washington DC. Not slavery. The US accused the South of slavery and I will give you just this ... the South took the bait and tried to defend it.

The US Civil War was fought because the North wanted high tariffs to force Americans to buy their goods while the South wanted low tariffs because it made more money overseas than the North was willing to pay. Slavery was an excuse. It has and still exists today. But that isn't the only time the US has used a lame-ass excuse to force itself on others, is it?

The Lusitania?

Pearl Harbor?

Communism and the Domino Theory in Korea and Vietnam?

Committing treason against our King over taxes that come nowhere close to what we feed the bureaucracy today?

Roosevelt's "Big Stick Theory" in the Carribean and Central America?

How about the systemic whiping out of native Americans?

The US wanted the South's goods. Just not us with them. So the US used military force, the only thing they were good for, to just rip them off.