I have studied and been curious about repressive regimes since a teen, particularly Communist. Notice Balu-ga constantly pushing the agenda of Ukrainians as an inferior people. This is the mindset of an oppressor. I have to wonder how many have been arrested or killed as a result of his deeds. Even Cuban CDR operatives are not this brazen. Committee for the Defense of the Revolution operatives regret some of what they do, but feel it's a sacrifice for the greater good. Some told me they actually wish their victims well, hoping they will understand. I don't even see this veneer of decency from Balu-ga. There are relatively benign true believers, then there are active oppressors. Which do you suppose this guy is? Some say the poverty in a Communist regime is miserable. The REAL poverty can't be seen with the eyes. That poverty is laying down to sleep wondering if your door will be broken down and being arrested for any or even no reason.