That's right, right here in Beautiful GA they have some type of terrorist camp, we rode down the dirt road ( a county road ) and where told to leave, yes I told Hamid to kiss my butt but he just wasn't looking none to friendly. He was holding in his hand a AK and standing outside the gate on a County road, now if he had been inside the gate, inside the compound and we tried to force our way onto their property I could see him getting mad, but all we did was ride down the County road that goes in front of the compound, yes I see a lot of fun nights in the future. But I have to ask, if a bunch of bikers can find this and tell these camel jockeys what they can do why in the hell can't our Government. Had this been the Hells Angels or Outlaws compound it would of been destroyed months ago, man these folks may be in for a surprise when brother Barry leaves the WH.