Quote Originally Posted by manfrommaine View Post
more boots on the ground is a nice phrase, but only marginally more will not be enough to cause the quantum change in the paradigm. And I like your idea about the border with Iran, but that is NOT, unfortunately, where the 21.5K is destined to go, but rather to the Anbar Province and into Baghdad.

21K is a drop in the bucket... it is throwing a handful of men at a problem that is bigger than fifty handfuls could take care of.
That is the one time I think we have ever been in agreement. Baghdad and anbar need to be secured. We need to have our rear areas secure while we concentrate on the borders. I don't think leaving the city just to the iraqis would be a good idea at this point. We need to take a couple of months and take down as many of the large groups as posible before turning it over to the iraqis. Then move to the borders and prevent infiltration of men and supplies while the iraqi army cleans up.

If things are about to intesify with iran I would be putting more unannounced troops in along with the 21,000 and build up along the border with iran.We could quietly put two divisions along the iranian border under the surge banner with no media announcements to tell the iranians what's going on.