My first cousin once removed (my first cousin's son) married his long term sweetheart in Vegas in May. They had a BBQ reception at Shotgun Creek rec area in the Mohawk Valley. I have to throw those names out there because despite being a lifelong Oregonian from a generational line of Oregon, I had never heard of Mohawk Valley before. It's even more confusing because Oregon doesn't have a population of Mohawk Indians, and never has. Anyway I took Caprese salad which was gone before the ribs came off the BBQ. Tomatoes, mozzarella, basil, olive oil, balsamic reduction, salt, pepper. Bingo bango. I arranged the tomatoes, basil and cheese arrangement at home...covered with paper towels to control liquid, wrapped snug in plastic wrap, transported in the site, I drizzled olive oil first, then balsamic reduction, then salt and pepper. For aesthetics it's best to put oil on first, it makes the reduction look prettier, keeps it from being totally absorbed.