Quote Originally Posted by Max R. View Post
Since both wings were level just before the wing drop/wing lift (depending on your perspective) it doesn't make sense for one wing to stall and the other not to do so unless there was an asymmetrical malfunction of the flaps and/or slats.

Depending on the cause of the problem, dragging a wingtip is mostly a maintenance repair issue. The jet is so massive, that dragging an aluminum and composite wingtip isn't going to stop it or significantly change its direction. The tip will just shear off.

Still, the cause of the "bobble" is interesting. It could be pilot error, but I think something else was going on. Either an odd wind gust or a mechanical issue.
Yeah, I assumed it was a gust of wind that hit the plane as he bounced combined with a low airspeed.

Also, you can see the nose pitch up slightly, maybe overcorrections on his part when he realized his descent was too great?