Quote Originally Posted by namvet View Post
throw in the 21% prime, the hostages and scared shitless by a killer rabbit
Ha! I love the reminder of the killer rabbit. I seem to recall some big hemorrhoid episode as well.
I think Jimmy Carter is the total exemplification (that's a word, isn't it?) of the difference between good intentions and good leadership. He really couldn't "lead" his way out of the Men's Room, but I think his intentions were good. We should have gotten the idea when he told the nation he wanted to be called "Jimmy", not "James".

Was it Jimmy Carter that invented the obsession with legacy during his last 1-2 years in office? I think he dropped everything to prod Begin and Sadat into signing an agreement, no matter what it said. Obama can thank Jimmy Carter for the legacy obsession and Middle-East-agreement ideas. And Clinton can thank Carter for the idea of having a wacky and embarrassing younger brother.

Perianne is correct about Jimmy Carter making a lot of nutty proposals to the press in the time since his Presidency. Maybe I'm being too lenient, but still think it is good intentions paired with being quite the fool. And don't forget that it is one of his grandsons that recorded Mitt Romney's "47%" comment, which may have been a factor with us being stuck with Obama for 4 more years. That by itself kind of vaporizes any good feelings I have about him.