another article that is addressing the split that may come. Again though, the focus is on Trump, I don't think that's correct or fair. He's a symptom, not the cause.

Can the Republican Party Survive Trump?

The GOP frontrunner’s surprising staying power has inspired soul-searching and agony among party elites.


But many Republican strategists, donors, and officeholders fret that the harm goes deeper than a single voting bloc. Trump’s candidacy has blasted open the GOP’s longstanding fault lines at a time when the party hoped for unity. His gleeful, attention-hogging boorishness—and the large crowds that have cheered it—cements a popular image of the party as standing for reactionary anger rather than constructive policies. As Democrats jeer that Trump has merely laid bare the true soul of the GOP, some Republicans wonder, with considerable anguish, whether they’re right. As the conservative writer Ben Domenech asked in an essay in The Federalist last week, “Are Republicans for freedom or white identity politics?”

“There is a faction that would actually rather burn down the entire Republican Party in hopes they can rebuild it in their image,” Rick Wilson, a Florida-based Republican admaker, told me...

In the main, this article is a hit piece on Trump, I've bolded the parts that to me represent some of the schisms that have been taped together for a long time. Whether or not they'll blow? I'm tending towards, yes.