You can't make sheot like this up, to funny but so sad at the same time. This guy's car was vandalized the day before, a kid threw a rock and broke his windshield, on on his way to the repair shop he was pulled over, he was actually pulled over in the auto glass repair shop's parking lot, he had a 3:30 appointment, the ticket was actually wrote at 3:39.

Now the sad part, as we have cop killers running around killing cops execution style simply because of the color of their skin this guy gets a ticket, while parked in the repair shop parking lot, he had a appointment and the cop wouldn't give him a break.

As for there must be more to the story, no, the Sheriffs office refused to comment but did say the ticket was at the cops discretion.

A deputy sheriff in Colorado has handed a driver a ticket for a windshield that was cracked by a vandal.
While the driver was in the parking lot of a glass-repair shop, ready to go in.

To the appointment he had already scheduled.
While glass-repair shop workers watched.
The story of toe-the-letter-of-the-law enforcement comes from KUSA television in Denver.

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