So now its not right to be a guy who takes pride in how he looks and takes care of himself physically!! It now appears that it is also bad to tell a teenager, young man, or ANY man for that part to "Be a Man"

I am so tired of the evisceration of males that we all have to be touchy/feely kind of guys that should be in touch with our feminine side. You know what, sometimes you NEED to be a MAN. This is just another way to bash men and boys. I love this part..

One event featured a screening of the limited-release documentary The Mask You Live In, which blames “America’s narrow definition of masculinity” for the deteriorating mental health of boys and men

Actually the problem is telling boys they CAN'T be BOYS and must somehow act like perfect little angels all the time.. If you let boys ACT like boys they get the aggression out of their systems and that doesn't spill over into day-to-day life. Unfortunately we are at a time when they are supposed to bottle it all up and we wonder why some snap!!! I can't even begin to understand the stupidity in this presentation!!!!