A gun owner in Seattle is not in favor of altering current laws. A more pressing need is improvement of the nation's mental health system, which has suffered since it was defunded by Congress a while back.
The solution makes sense. If we could identify and treat mentally unstable people, they would be off the street and not have access to firearms. This would work better than taking guns away from everyone.
Unfortunately, improving the mental health system is going to take a ton of funding. Which means someone is going to have to pay for it.
The author outlines a proposed solution in a piece in the Seattle Times.


Since the gun-rights groups feel very strongly that we need such a system and since guns are the major contributor to that need, let’s have gun and ammo sales support it.

Let’s put in place an excise tax that triples the price of guns and quintuples the price of ammunition and then direct these taxes to establishing an efficient, functioning mental-health system. Let those who want to own and use guns help pay to fix the problem.