Another typical leftist Democrat political stunt.

Does she really think Americans want a president (or rather, another president) as childish, petulant and juvenile as she is being?

Hillary Clinton, aside from everything else wrong with her (liar, criminal, commie, traitor, gun-grabber, pro-muzzie, dismal failure as SOS, spends taxpayer $$$ like a drunken sailor on leave in a banana republic port, etc....), is the most immature beotch in the rat party currently. And trust me...she has some really stiff competition.

The fact that she is even still running for president is a stunning and surreal indication of just how far (and how fast) this nation has fallen under the dubious 'leadership' of Barack Hussein Obama. She should be sharing a cell block (gender neutral prison) with Barry right now, and in a sane world....that would be the case. Alas....

Las Vegas, Nevada (CNN)—Hillary Clinton stopped at a union rally outside Donald Trump's hotel on the Strip here, taunting the Republican front-runner on the eve of the first Democratic presidential debate.

"Some people think Trump is entertaining, but it is not entertaining to insult immigrants and women," Clinton said.

Clinton joined about 500 members of the Culinary Workers Union -- a powerhouse in Nevada, with 55,000 members. The group is lobbying to organize the Trump International Hotel here.

"If you are going to run for president, then represent all of the people of the United States," she said. "I wanted to come by to lend my voice to all yours and I wish you well in these efforts."

She also stressed that workers should have the right to unionize and that, as president, she would protect those rights.

Her visit wasn't announced ahead of time. But it reflects Clinton's broader Democratic primary strategy: Keeping her attacks focused on Republicans, demonstrating to Democratic voters that she is best equipped to take on the eventual GOP nominee.

The stop comes as Clinton, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and three other candidates prepare for their first presidential debate, set for 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Wynn and hosted by CNN and Facebook