That's the latest I am reading, that there were 8 attackers, and apparently 7 locations. Imagine if it were 20 attackers and 12 locations? Or what if it were 50 of them and 30 locations?

And countries want Syrian refugees, the ungrateful bastards? And how hard would it be to squeeze through 10, 20, 50 or 100 of them? It only takes a small handful of scumbags to reek HUGE amounts of death. And ISIS numbers are anywhere between 10,000 to 50,000, depending on who you want to believe. Probably wouldn't be hard to send off some cells.

The Raid needs to come out, spray every one of these roaches, otherwise they will only make more roaches. Eliminate the infestation at it's nest and prevent it from spreading. I'm all for dropping nukes, but Gunny tells me that's not a good idea.