Ben was practicing a little on Thursday and more so on Friday. He's kinda ready to go today but they're starting Landy Jones instead and Ben is there to back him up. WTF? $100+ millon dollar backup? We need this game!! If we go down by 3 points or more they better put him in. The Brownies have QB issues too and they are starting Johnny Manziel. I like Johnny, but not today. Scare him into sacks and mistakes and keep their scoring down. He hasn't really played worth a crap since coming to the NFL, and he better not start today.

And then at 4:30 it will be fun, watching NE at the Giants. I'll root for the Giants, only to see NE lose their unbeaten streak. But if the game gets out of hand, and the Giants blow it, I hope NE wins like 74-0.