"Even people who aren’t normally fans of Anonymous probably won’t object to the hacker collective using its powers to take on Islamic State, the hated group of Islamic fundamentalists that has carried out deadly terror attacks in Paris and Beirut over the past week. This is why we’re pleased to see that Anonymous has declared cyberwar on ISIS and has already gotten hundreds of its purported Twitter accounts banned from the service."

`Metro.co.uk reports that Anonymous this week published a list of 900 ISIS-related Twitter accounts that have subsequently been suspended by Twitter. This first strike is important because ISIS has shown itself adept at using social media as a recruitment and propaganda tool. Even though it’s easy for ISIS to create new Twitter accounts, it takes time to build up a following on new accounts and amplify messages. So while banning Twitter accounts might be a cat-and-mouse game, it can still be very disruptive to the organization’s recruiting methods.`


`The bigger question is why wasn't this already the case....why did it take "Anonymous" to ban ISIS from Twitter?`

`Many...are more confident in Anon than they are in the US government......The funny thing is that Anon is literally random people all devoted to a cause...it's not even a specified group of people.`*They are legion......and greater and more anonymous than you will ever know`