This is typical of the political correctness over here .. leading to a delusional, wilful blindness to certain realities.

There is no possible way that the proper identities, bona fides, call-it-what-you-will, can be checked for anything like all of the 'refugees' that have streamed across Europe. Doing so would be a mammoth task at the best of times, given the enormous numbers involved ... and reliable checks made against records from a war-torn country, largely in chaos, is an administrative nonsense.

Therefore, terrorists WILL infiltrate, WILL therefore be free to launch future attacks in numbers that'll make all attacks up to now, possibly even including 9/11, look like tea parties by comparison.

The problem also exists even if approached just from intelligence observation. How stretched would security services in France and elsewhere be, JUST to try and observe these latest arrivals (.. much less those they have an interest in already). It's ridiculous.

Assuming Hollande isn't insane .. he must believe that acting according to political correctness is preferable to the proper consideration of his peoples' welfare. Which is at minimum criminally irresponsible, if not outright treasonous, I'd have thought.

But ... WHY ?