Quote Originally Posted by Drummond View Post
Tyr isn't confused. He spots you thinking as a Leftie would. He calls you out on it. Talking of which ...
He is very much confused. He probably even thinks you are a conservative.

Quote Originally Posted by Drummond View Post
All blessed with natural rights, eh ?

Well, that statement would certainly serve, for example, in defending the UK's National Health Service. Lefties over here would argue that 'free' and easy access to the fullest possible medical care was a 'Natural Right', and they'd say that only a State-run system of it could do the job.

Who guarantees that 'Natural Rights' are satisfied, unless the State sees to it ? So, IN FACT, the logic of your argument is one which argues for the flourishing of Big Government, and State control.

State control is the pet project OF THE LEFT. 'Nice' to see that you support the logic which underpins its enforcement, Mr Leftie.

Isn't this exactly as I've promised ? I told you, long ago, that the more you reveal what you believe in, the more obvious it'll be that your thought processes are actually Leftie in nature. No matter how much you protest, the reality is that you think in a particular way, and you can do nothing to stop it.

This is why, when you enter threads, you initially prefer to snipe, instead of just declaring your beliefs from the very start.
Are you know arguing that the Declaration of Independence (life, liberty, pursuit of happiness), the Constitution (life, liberty, property), and John Locke (Natural Rights) are lefties? I'd like to see that argument of yours further fleshed out.

Your lefties "over there" might make that argument but they would be wrong as lefties and you typically are. Preserving the Natural Rights of its citizens is different than taking the Rights of one (property by taxing for example) to pay for the "rights" of another. Their argument involves theft from one to give to another. Try again, your "fact" is again wrong.

That's not to say of course that the government does have a role to play in preserving the Natural Rights of its citizens but it only takes minimal government to provide police protection, preserve liberty, and preserve the rule of law. But there's nothing leftie in any of that.