Quote Originally Posted by Christie Brinkley View Post
I guess the US air force should of dropped leaflets on Nazi fuel trucks in 1944... to avoid the risk of civilians getting killed?
I'm all for the carpet bombing and killing ANYONE associated with them or near them. It was YOU who was worried about the civilians. As far as I'm concerned, drop the largest ordinances possible, destroy EVERYTHING within reach of ISIS. So make up your mind - can we go to war and do what it takes to win - or do we pussyfoot around and worry about all of the civilians? It's folks like you that make it more difficult. You complain when they do nothing, complain it's not enough, complain they kill innocents, complain when they try to warn innocents.... You just want to complain.

So do you now agree, take out all potential oil, trucks and anything that moves near ISIS and not worry about whether they are driven by civilians or not? Or do we not go heavy handed, because we may kill innocent people?