So I'm pretty old. Too old to be single and have any chance to find the kind of woman I want.

Want. Need.

I do not need a woman in my life. I surely want a woman to share things with - but here's where I am either broken inside, or simply immature.

I'm looking for a woman I'm super attracted to. In every capacity. I hate making excuses for myself and the woman I'm with.

background - Anyone watch The last Man on Earth?

Phil is the last human on the planet. For an unknown reason Phil is alone. He drives across the country in search of humanity. Finally he meets a woman.

Phil wants companionship, but the woman he meets wants to be married before they are 'together'. So - he weds her.

Enter ANOTHER survivor

Phil is now trapped. Phil and the 'new girl' get along great but Phil is married. MARRIED.

I do not want to be Phil. I think I was phil for a decade or more during my marriage. My ex, though IS attractive and is in good shape, or was - I haven't seen her in awhile because I cut off access for her to her kids because if I was a woman a lot of other woman would CHEER that, but because I'm male, I'm sure - based on the way I worded it just now - some women HERE are angry at me.

Anywho -

Is this a case of me being immature? Broken? Depressed? Other?

I have a certain 'type' - Pretty much ALL Types. Except for one specific type I will not get into here. Thing is, the 'all types', filtered by the ONE type I am not attracted to do not find ME particularly attractive I fear. So - here's where I worry JUST a little bit...if I was to "worry" that is...

I do not want to settle. Being alone is better than settling right? Think about that for awhile...

I could be with a number of woman and likely make happy lives together - happy to the point I see what I really like during a social setting. Or at church. Or wherever. I do not want to be in a position where if everything was equal I could be with the type I prefer, but I cannot because I'm with a woman I may love, but isn't what I am really looking for. And then I think...the women I am really looking for probably feel like they'd have to "settle" with me? I'm not THIS guy,

But I'm also NOT 'hot'.

Please let that make ANY sense to somebody. Any other guys go through this stuff?