Quote Originally Posted by dmp View Post

Here's a category - without talking exactly about sex in a personal way...Which DP user would you most like to wake-up to and have a morning conversation? Either in bed or over a cup of Joe, on a porch overlooking the mountains, while still in your undies. I find post-love-making Mornings, those when you wake up a little sore but realizing you actually love this person, like, a lot. Where you can be truly intimate and open with the other person - THAT moment right there...That true and uncloaked intimate moment. Do you guys know what I mean?

Who would it be?

I think I'm pretty torn. The obvious choice is Kathianne - because I really haven't liked her at times. She infuriated me more than a few times years ago. But its because of that - and our long history on Jim's message boards - I think I'd really like to know her true self. Anyone that can piss me off interests me. As long as it's pissed-off for the right reasons. I really haven't thought this through a ton.

I LIVE for connections with people however. Years ago I lived AND died by my connections or lack-thereof. Lately though, I only like the connections - I no longer NEED them to stay emotionally grounded. What the hell am I talking about right now? You guys aren't my Therapists...
Well, kiddo ... I won't publicly state who that person(s) would be for me, however, I've had some PMs and phone calls with a couple of people here that made me think about packing my bags for that overnight in the mountains.

Anytime you can think of being with someone because you just "WANT' to be there is better than when you feel you "NEED" to be there. I desire to be "wanted" not "needed", however, there are some that feel loved if they are needed. Not me ... just makes me feel trapped.

At any rate, there is more than one person here who I wouldn't mind rolling over and saying to them "good morning handsome!"