I saw this early this morning. Probably would have been better off with a hanky, or simply smearing it on his arm. Pretty gross! Put this in lounge as this really ain't got crap to do with the election and nor will it have any impact. Just gross and odd is all. If you saw it, you can kinda see it slowly work it's way down, then onto his upper lip, then on the lip - and then YUMMY!


What the hell was that speck of matter on Ted Cruz's lip?

A mysterious white thing — styrofoam? Tooth fragment? Allegra tablet? — danced between the senator's lips before he ultimately sucked it back into his mouth and swallowed. (Cue uncomfortable audience laughter.)

It was the mysterious particle, and not the debate discourse, that took center stage in the postgame wrap-up.

"I feel ill," Gawker's Gabrielle Bluestone wrote of the phantom speck.

A lot has happened in tonight's #GOPDebate but whatever was in Cruz's mouth is forever branded in our memories http://vine.co/v/iglwgw1QrhO

In a Republican debate that plumbed new depths in schoolyard taunting — including a disquisition on candidate penis size in the opening minutes — the speck has dominated online conversation with Twitter sleuths and pundits weighing in.

Ted Cruz lip debris is our generation's Zapruder film. #GOPDebate pic.twitter.com/Ycq3Fw0kSh

What the F just appeared on Ted Cruz's lip??? #Lip-gate pic.twitter.com/dGkoollZ2Z

You know what I think flew onto Ted Cruz's lip during the #GOPDebate? Tonsil cheese. Seriously - google it. #ewww pic.twitter.com/3NilmoyaUU

and more - http://news.yahoo.com/ted-cruz-ate-s...135300912.html