Rubio vows to stay in even if he loses Florida

Even if he loses in his home state of Florida on Tuesday, Sen. Marco Rubio said he will continue on the campaign trail.

“Tomorrow, our plan is to be in Utah campaigning irrespective of tonight," Rubio told Orlando sports talk station WDBO on Tuesday. "It would be a lot better to go to Utah being the winner of the Florida primary. It would give us a tremendous amount of momentum. It would give us 99 delegates, and that’s the way we want to do it tonight.”

Rubio dismissed polls showing him down by double digits to Donald Trump as "crazy," "out of control" and "way out of whack."

"I can't guarantee a win today. I'm telling you I expect to win tonight, but we are not 20 points behind. I mean, that's absurd," he said. "And I think we're going to prove that here in the next few hours."

Rubio's campaign announced his schedule for this week on Saturday, which includes campaign stops in Utah and finance events in California.