Quote Originally Posted by pete311 View Post
It fits the strict definition, for now... but in 20 years I am willing to bet that it doesn't fit the definition whatever your personal opinion may be. There are certain people that think sex in any position other than missionary and not for procreation is a perversion. Obviously and for good reason no one listens to them.
My personal opinion is that it's abnormal. It's a perversion. That definition won't be changing. But I admit it is entirely possible that the masses become more accepting to allowing folks to be abnormal if that's what they want. Sad, but whatever.

And them same folks talk about transgenders being abnormal. And now we're being told it's wrong if we don't want a fat hair man in the ladies room, just because he claims to be transgender.

Quote Originally Posted by fj1200 View Post
The times, they are a changin'.
Yes, a few decades ago folks didn't even know what the word "scat" meant. But today, look at Japan for example, far too many over there find this to be "normal" in their worlds. Who knows, maybe 50 years down the road from now it will be a "normal" act to some.

Anyway, views and support for queer marriage doesn't make it any less abnormal, IMO.