I feel left out I didn't make the list. Fact is TF, NT is absolutely correct in that you are your own worst enemy. You shoot yourself more than anyone else. You want to be part of the crew but you have about as much personal skills as a red brick. But you try too hard to have them and you just make yourself look dumber than shit and egotistical as Hell.

I get part of it. I look at some of my posts and think "damn, I'm always talking about ME." Who else am I supposed to talk about? I'm alone almost always. I get THAT. I'm also not emotional unless I'm mad. I get THAT. Where YOU screw up is you treat people like they are lesser human beings than you are. You make more money. You think you're smarter. You don't listen to any of them. You don't understand people which is where you and I differ and the line is drawn. We're even to that point.

You think YOUR idea of being right is more important than someone's feelings. That's not the way the majority operates. You should try being military the 1st 40 years of your life and trying to figure out you civilians. Y'all make no sense to me. Completely illogical crap and you'll commit suicide standing on some "principle".

Point is, you know NOTHING about people nor how to act around them or treat them. You function. Must be fun. Try just being yourself and quit feeling sorry for yourself. Crap my mom told me if they had the pill when I was born I wouldn't have been. BFD. I didn't even remember it until I've read your "woe is me" posts several times. It ain't going to kill you to be nice to others and/or try to look at things from their points of view. And there's nothing weak about it. Understanding others is what most the greatest leaders in history have in common. If you can't anticipate your enemy's move, nor even identify him, your ass gets blindsided.