Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
Hmmm ... maybe we need to get Jim to revise the profile group? What do you eat? What do you screw? What color is your hair? If anyone says sheep I'm gonna die laughing from a heart attack.

Y'all are all right handed so I hate all of you anyway. Everything you do is ass-backwards. Not to mention I bet most of you a-holes have hair. And you probably drive cars instead of a truck. Eat chicken and pork. Y'all should all just go shoot yourselves right now.
I am left-handed, which is another reason I shoot rifles, pistols, shotguns and bows so well.
Being left-handed is a major plus in a fight as most people expect right-handed knock out shots.
I only ever knocked out two people with my right hand, the others(more than a dozen) all were and floored caught by a very powerful left shot.
We lefties have our known traits--many of which are great positives.

However, we face world tailored for right handed people, thus its adapt to meet the demands.

I save my bullets for my enemies and shooting myself seems to me to be a bit counter productive. ----Tyr