Quote Originally Posted by Elessar View Post

Right you are Elessar. I do like it. But, we must all remember. Hillary's Sheeple do not remember, or care what she may have said....Like Lying to the parents of THREE Americans who died at her hand, in Benghazi....for starters.
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I remember being in uniform during the Clinton years, and will NEVER forget how LOUSY she treated anyone in Uniform. And there is DOCUMENTATION to prove it.
If Hillary Clinton runs, and wins the Presidential race in 2016, the Republicans won't be the only ones with trepidation. The Secret Service, who have tangled with Hillary since she became First Lady in 1993, will also be quaking in their lace-ups.

Hillary has been known to hurl a book at the back of the head of one agent driving her in the Presidential limo accusing him of eavesdropping, forget her ps and qs by never thanking her protectors and lob profanity-laced orders when she just wanted the agents to carry her bags - a job not on agents' 'to do' list.

'Stay the f**k away from me! Just f*****g do as I say!!!' she is quoted as saying to an agent who refused to carry her luggage in the book Unlimited Access by FBI agent Gary Aldridge.