Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
I had to mull this one over a few minutes. So we swear to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic ... but posse comitatus overrides that? I don't know anything about the CG's argument nor with who , but that's just stupid. You guard the waters of the US but posse comitatus preempts you from being military? All I can say about that is BULLSHIT. That is one lame ass excuse. So y'all just don't f-ing count? But they can deploy you to a foreign nation to get shot at like the rest of us?

What a bunch of bureaucratic bullshit.

Both of us hear you Gunny. As a Coastie Engineer I was used to working on shit that was first made in my Da's day.

But I don't feel so bad, the crew on the Cutter Smilax (WLIC 315) are working on a 72 year old tender.