Probably not that big of a deal, and not even enough to likely help carry a county, let alone a state or the country. But I know if I were a border patrol agent, and I had to deal with these criminals coming across day in and day out, I would be thrilled with someone finally taking a tough stand on things.


Trump: Border Patrol union’s endorsement is proof that a wall is ‘very necessary’

Less than a week after securing the delegates needed to capture the Republican nomination, Donald Trump took to Twitter to thank the union that represents the U.S. Border Patrol agents for endorsing him for president.

“The endorsement of me by the 16,500 Border Patrol Agents was the first time that they ever endorsed a presidential candidate,” Trump tweeted on Monday. “Nice!”

“We are going to have strong borders,” Trump said during a speech at the annual Rolling Thunder rally in Washington, D.C., on Sunday. “We are going to have a wall, and I mean a real wall.”

And to Trump, the National Border Patrol Council’s endorsement — which was announced in March — is proof his plan for a wall is necessary.

“Mr. Trump is correct when he says immigration wouldn’t be at the forefront of this presidential campaign if months ago he hadn’t made some bold and necessary statements,” Brandon Judd, the union’s president, said in a statement announcing its “first-ever” presidential endorsement. “And when the withering media storm ensued he did not back down one iota. That tells you the measure of a man. When the so-called experts said he was too brash and outspoken, and that he would fade away, they were proven wrong. We are confident they will be proven wrong again in November when he becomes President of the United States.”

“There is no greater physical or economic threat to Americans today than our open border,” the endorsement continued. “And there is no greater political threat than the control of Washington by special interests. In view of these threats, the National Border Patrol Council endorses Donald J. Trump for President — and asks the American people to support Mr. Trump in his mission to finally secure the border of the United States of America, before it is too late.”

The union’s backing of Trump has come under fire from critics who say it is endorsing not only his immigration plan but also his hateful rhetoric.

“It is probable that the endorsement of Mr. Trump would expose both the union and the individual members to accusations of xenophobia and even racism,” Don McDermott, a former Border Patrol agent, told the Los Angeles Times. “The reputation of the agency and of every agent is called into question.”