Quote Originally Posted by Noir View Post
Yeah the solution is a load of drunk people with guns, how could that go wrong.
Do you know anything about anything? People carry handguns for self defense. They were a last resort against varmints. The primary choice of weapons was a rifle. Still is. You see military people running around with handguns? No.

I'd rather carry a carbine than a handgun.

What I am FOR is let the locals you live with decide on the laws. If you have to check your guns when you ride into town, and the majority voted on that, so be it. If I have to check my guns because some little sissy from N Ireland decided so, kiss my ass. You wouldn't stand a chance against me if If I was stripped to my drawers. We don't run around looking for people to shoot. It isn't law-abiding citizens that are the problem here. That's what you crybabies don't get. Law abiding gun owners I've know are very responsible. The criminals and little pansies waiting on someone to save them not so much.

Grow up.