Quote Originally Posted by gabosaurus View Post
Training those who join the military is different from evaluating civilians. With the volunteer military, pretty much everyone who joins is of a similar mindset. Though I do agree the Coast Guard might be different than other branches of the military.

If you are born gay and your family is not of the accepting type (say, hard core religious or conservative), you are facing a life long struggle. Do you accept your compulsion to be gay or lesbian, knowing your family and friends could totally disown you and break contact? Or do you repress your feeling?
Put this in your own feelings. Suppose one of your own kids came out as gay or lesbian. How would you respond?
You're a bit off-track. I had to evaluate civilians when I was teaching swimming and lifesaving. Then I did the same thing
in the CG and even moreso when running or managing a Search and Rescue or Law Enforcement Case.

Your second paragraph? I never gave it a thought. I raised my son to be conservative yet open-minded. He is as
tolerant as I am when it comes to LGBT...just don't force it on him/us. He had to be, going to college at Humbolt State.
Arcata CA is a mecca for LGBT, and some can be pretty pushy or aggressive.