So we got the boy a present, a new laptop. This sucker is no regular laptop, this sucker is a beast.

Here it is before you configure extras:

Now, you'll notice, as you go down through the extras, there is a "choose options" underneath each one. The 5th one down is for the memory. When you click on it, you'll see this:

It's all over the place, the laptop comes with 16GB of memory. Yes, I went for the full 32 and it's on the receipt that I paid for that extra 32. But only 16 came with the laptop!

One woman asked that I send the entire laptop back for them to "inspect". I told them that was unreasonable.

Another told me that this laptop only comes with 8GB and I paid to have another 8GB installed. Huh? The site CLEARLY shows it COMES with 16GB. I walked her through getting to this site, she saw it, agreed with me - and still wouldn't help.

Another claims IT WAS installed, because it shows that in the checklist. She said it shows that the "builder installed (2) extra 2x8 chips. Well hell, the laptop only has 2 slots - so HOW could he have installed 2 extra chips with only 2 slots? I checked, it currently has 2 - 8GB chips. The ONLY way to have 32 in there, which I paid for, would be 2 - 16GB chips.

They hang up on you when transferring, they don't like to be POLITELY asked "may I please speak to a manager or supervisor". And then you call back and it's a damn 45 minutes each and every time.

Ultimately I found 1 guy who outright believed me and saw what I saw. He said the BEST he could do is offer me a "$100 refund on the configuration". But I was like - I paid $173 extra.

So I'm ultimately out $73 on a $2200 laptop, because they think I'm lying, or they are EFFing retarded. Damn am I pissed right now.