Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
who's complaining a about warrentless "searches" based on gunshots or a cry of rape Elessar?
THAT IS Probable Cause/Reasonable Suspicion by definition.

what i'm talking about is FISHING expeditions, searching EVERYONE, random searches, random frisk, electronically athering and storing private info and others info willy nilly, making list on innocent peoples actions, names, associations, etc just because they can and they MIGHT, possibly be a danger one day maybe.
the coffee's BURNING elessar maybe you've been to close to notice.

as far as "following orders" goes, well we know how that ends. And concerning respecting others doing a piss poor job without comment or correction, well if that's professionalism then it seems to me we need new standards.
What ever happen to see something say something.
does that apply to other officers/professionals obviously over steeping constitutional, legal and even common sense bounds?

If other professionals who KNOW the law and BEST practices don't/won't correct other "professionals" then there nothing to to do but to expect lowly civilians like myself to complain until somethings done to realign LEOs to the constitution. Seems to me the TSA makes YOU look bad as well especially if you just stand by and WATCH them screw up day after day.

I'm smelling the coffee and it's BURNT. it needs to be trashed and new pots put on.
If professional well trained coffee makers just stand around and watch the coffee burn out of professional courtesy sorry in my mind that's unacceptable.
You don't know a thing about following orders. You want to indict the whole for the actions of the few. I personally, that I know of, never met one person that would carry out an unlawful order. But you better have your ducks in a row when you take on the system.

The TSA doesn't make us look bad. They're rent-a-cops. We are trained professionals. YOU trying to include them with us is insulting.